We do not currently have any special deals or offerings. Please check back later.
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If you want Cancel, Freeze, Unfreeze, or update your Membership Billing Info, please fill out a Membership Change Form.
Complete this form to contact our instructors about setting up your class times. You should hear back from them in under 48 hours.
Additional members can be added to your Membership to create a family membership.
Family Members must be added to your membership in the gym. Purchase the Student EFT pass online and we will convert your pass when you come in.
Family of 2: $85/mos
Family of 3: $95/mos
Family of 4: $105/mos †
Only your spouse and your children under 18yrs old are eligible to be on a family membership with you.
Youths 8yrs and younger are free with a 'Family of 2' or more membership.
†Max rate—additional members free (e.g. if you have 6 eligible family members, you will only pay for the first 4).